Additionally, Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder download presents a tool that allows you to crop a section of the audio or video. The cropped file can be used to preview the audio or video downloaded. Other tools that are present in Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder download include flash media server, DVR auto record, video exporting, and many others. Feb 28, 2016 I downloaded version 3.2 of flash media encoder and installation in the mac you tell me 'the install file is corrupted', and wants to eject the virtual disk that creates live encoder on the desk. Someone has already encountered this problem and how can I fix?
To use HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) and HTTP Live Streaming(HLS) to serve live streams to clients over HTTP, publish the streamsto the HTTP Live Packager service on Adobe Media Server (rootinstall/applications/livepkgr).The livepkgr service ingests the streams, packages them into fragments,and delivers the fragments to Flash and iOS clients in real-time.
To complete these tutorials, use the following software:
Adobe Media Server 5. See the video Install Adobe Media Server 5 and verify HTTP streaming to Flash and iOS.
Note: Flash Media Live Encoder on Windows doesn’t support AAC encoding. To add support for AAC, purchase the MainConcept AAC Encoder.
(Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming) Adobe Media Server sample video player (which uses Play media in Strobe Media Playback) and Flash Player 10.1.
(Apple HTTP Live Streaming) iOS 3.0 or later device or Mac OS 10.6 with Safari 4.0 or QuickTime X.
For more information, see Supportedclients, encoders, codecs, and file formats and Pre-builtmedia players.
Install Adobe Media Server 5 and choose to installApache HTTP Server.
Install Flash Media Live Encoder and configure it to useabsolute time.
Open the Flash Media Live Encoder rootinstallconfconfig.xmlfile in a text editor.
The default installation locationon Windows is C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Live Encoder 3.2.
Thedefault installation location on Mac OS is Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe:FlashMedia Live Encoder 3.2.
Set the tag //flashmedialiveencoder_config/mbrconfig/streamsynchronization/enableto true:
To publish a live stream to Adobe Media Server, start FlashMedia Live Encoder and do the following:
In the EncodingOptions panel, from the Preset pop-up menu, choose High Bandwidth(800 Kbps) — H.264. For Audio Format, choose AAC.
Flash Media Live Encoder on Windows doesn’t support AAC encoding. To add support for AAC, purchase the MainConcept AAC Encoder.
Click the wrench next to Format to open Advanced EncoderSettings and do the following:
Keyframe Frequency—4 or a multiple of <FragmentDuration> inthe applications/livepkgr/events/_definst_/liveevent/Event.xml file.The default value of <FragmentDuration> is4000 milliseconds.
note: For information about profile and levelsupport, see Supportedfile formats and codecs.
Flash Media Live Encoder Advanced Encoder Settings
In the AMS URL text box enter the following:
note: Usethe RTMP protocol to stream the content to the livepkgr application onAdobe Media Server. You can substitute an IP address or a domainname for “localhost”.
In the Stream text box enter the following:
note: Theapplications/livepkgr/main.asc file expects this value.
(Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming) To play the media in FlashMedia Playback, do the following:
Flash Media Playback requires Flash Player 10.1 tosupport HTTP Dynamic Streaming.
In Video Source, enter:
Forinformation about the request URL, see URLsfor publishing and playing live streams over HTTP.
Select Yes under the question “Are you using HTTP Streamingor Adobe Access 2.0?”.
(Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming) To play the media in StrobeMedia Playback, see Pre-builtmedia players.
(Apple HTTP Live Streaming) Use the following URL:
Forinformation about where to use the URL to serve various iOS devices, QuickTime,and Safari, see HTTP Live Streaming Overview in theiOS Reference Library.
For information about the request URL,see URLsfor publishing and playing live streams over HTTP.
Replace localhost and servername with the domain name or IPaddress of the computer hosting Adobe Media Server. If you’re usinga Adobe Media Server hosting provider, they can give you this value.
Install Adobe Media Server 5 and choose to installApache HTTP Server.
Install Flash Media Live Encoder and configure it to useabsolute time.
Open the Flash Media Live Encoder rootinstallConfconfig.xmlfile in a text editor.
Set the tag //flashmedialiveencoder_config/mbrconfig/streamsynchronization/enableto true:
Browse to rootinstall/applications/livepkgr/events/_definst_/liveeventand do the following:
Edit the Event.xml file to looklike the following:
<Event> <EventID>liveevent</EventID> <Recording> <FragmentDuration>4000</FragmentDuration> <SegmentDuration>16000</SegmentDuration> <DiskManagementDuration>3</DiskManagementDuration> </Recording> </Event>Remove the Manifest.xml file from the liveevent folder orrename it.
(Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming) For multi-bitrate streaming,Flash and AIR media players request an F4M manifest file that containsthe location and bitrate of each live stream. This type of F4M fileis called a set-level manifest. To create an set-level manifest,do the following:
Open rootinstall/tools/f4mconfig/configurator/f4mconfig.htmlin a browser.
Stream URIs can be absolute or relative to a Base URI. Enterthe following for the Base URI:
Enter the following for each stream and click Add:
Stream URI | Bitrate |
livestream1.f4m | 150 |
livestream2.f4m | 500 |
livestream3.f4m | 700 |
To preview the file, click View Manifest. The manifest filelooks like this:
Click Save Manifest and save the file as liveevent.f4m to rootinstall/webroot.
Themedia player requests this file from a web server. This tutorialsaves the file to rootinstall/webroot, but the file can beserved from any location on any webserver. This file does not needto live on Adobe Media Server. This file can also have any name.
(Apple HTTP Live Streaming) iOS devices request an M3U8variant playlist file that contains the location, bitrate, and optionallythe codec of each stream. To create an M3U8 file, do the following:
If the Set-level F4M/M3U8 File Generator tool isn’t open,double-click rootinstall/tools/f4mconfig/configurator/f4mconfig.htmlto open it in a browser.
Enter the Stream URI and bitrate for each stream. StreamURIs can be absolute or relative. If they are relative, they arerelative to the m3u8 file.
You can’t use a Base URI whengenerating an M3U8 file.
This tutorial uses the followingStream URI settings:
Stream URI | Bitrate |
http://localhost/hls-live/livepkgr/_definst_/liveevent/livestream1.m3u8 | 150 |
http://localhost/hls-live/livepkgr/_definst_/liveevent/livestream2.m3u8 | 500 |
http://localhost/hls-live/livepkgr/_definst_/liveevent/livestream3.m3u8 | 700 |
For m3u8 files, you can optionally add a codec for each stream.
Ifone stream is audio-only, specify an audio codec. Specify audioand video codecs for the other streams in the manifest. See Publishan audio-only stream (HLS).
To view the file, click View Manifest. The m3u8 file lookslike this:
Save the file as liveevent.m3u8 to the folder rootinstall/webroot.
Themedia player requests this file from a web server. This tutorialsaves the file to rootinstall/webroot, but the file can beserved from any location on any webserver. This file does not needto live on Adobe Media Server.
To publish a live stream to Adobe Media Server, start FlashMedia Live Encoder and do the following:
In the EncodingOptions panel, from the Preset pop-up menu, choose Multi Bitrate- 3 Streams (1500 Kbps) - H.264. Choose Audio Format AAC.
Flash Media Live Encoder on Windows doesn’t support AAC encoding. To add support for AAC, purchase the MainConcept AAC Encoder.
Click the wrench next to Format to open Advanced EncoderSettings. For Keyframe frequency, select 4 seconds.
Thisvalue matches the <FragmentDuration> valuein the applications/livepkgr/events/_definst_/liveevent/Event.xmlfile. The <FragmentDuration> value is inmilliseconds.
In the AMS URL text box, enter the following:
note: Thisapplication is installed with Adobe Media Server and contains a main.ascfile and configuration files for live HTTP Dynamic Streaming.
In the Stream text box, enter the following:
note: Theapplications/livepkgr/main.asc file expects this value. Flash Media LiveEncoder uses the variable %i to create multiple stream names: livestream1, livestream2,livestream3, and so on. To use another encoder, provide your own uniquestream names, for example, livestream1?adbe-live-event=liveevent, livestream2?adbe-live-event=liveevent.
(Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming) Flash Media Playback doesnot support set-level manifest files. To play the media, use StrobeMedia Playback. Strobe Media Playback is used in the sample videoplayer that installs with Adobe Media Server.
Copythe videoPlayer directory from rootinstall/samples/videoPlayerto rootinstall/webroot.
Browse to the sample player in a web browser:
In Video Source, enter the following:
(Apple HTTP Live Streaming) In iOS, enter the following URLin Safari:
Forinformation about where to use the URL to serve various iOS devices, QuickTime,and Safari, see HTTP Live Streaming Overview in theiOS Reference Library.
You can replace localhost with the domain name or IP addressof the computer hosting Adobe Media Server. If you’re using a AdobeMedia Server hosting provider, they can give you this value.
You can define the record option by adding a query parameterstring adbe-record-mode. The value of this stringcan be “record” or “append”. If the parameter is not specified,“append” will be used. In case of “record”, livepkgr overwritesthe previous recording for the same stream and event name. In case of“append”, livepkgr application appends to the previous recordingfor the same stream and event name.
For example, to publish a stream in record mode, use:livestream%i?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-record-mode=record
To publish a stream in append mode (default case), use:livestream%i?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-record-mode=append
To serve streams over a cellular network, one of the streamsmust be audio-only. For more information, see HTTP Live Streaming Overview.
AAC-encoded audio files (MP4/F4V) are packaged as .aac file.Also, the M3U8 file will list the file names as .aac instead of.ts. An audio-only stream functionality will be available only ifthe M3U8 URL has the following embedded tags:
Tag | Description |
audio-only | Specifies whether the stream/file is audio-only.If the tag is not present, the audio-only stream will be extractedfrom the A/V stream. |
audio-only-mp3/audio-only-aac | Specifies the audio codec of the requestedstream file. If this tag is not present, the file/segment will besegmented as TS. |
Here is an example of a valid M3U8 URL:http://myserver/hls-vod/audio-only-aac/sample1_1500kbps.f4v.m3u8
Here is an example M3U8 file snippet:#EXTM3U_#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1500000,CODECS='avc1.42001e, mp4a.40.2',BANDWIDTH=150000,CODECS='avc1.42001e, mp4a.40.2'_http://,BANDWIDTH=1000000,CODECS='avc1.42001e, mp4a.40.2'_http://,BANDWIDTH=64000,CODECS='mp4a.40.2'
To publish an audio-only stream, enter the following inthe Adobe Media Encoder Stream field:
If the encoder specifies individual query strings for each stream,use individual stream names instead of the variable %i:
You can use the values in italics or replace them with yourown values. The default live event is called “liveevent”.
Parameter | Description |
adbe-audio-stream-name | The name of the audio-only stream. |
adbe-audio-stream-src | The name of the stream from which to extractthe audio for the audio-only stream. If this parameter is not specified,the server uses the stream on which the adbe-audio-stream-name parameterwas specified. |
To generate a set-level variant playlist when using an audio-onlystream, specify the audio codec of the audio-only stream. Specifythe audio and the video codec of the streams that contain audioand video. For more information about using the Set-level F4M/M3U8File Generator, see Publishand play live multi-bitrate streams.
It is highly recommended to use the 'Audio-only packaging'as mentioned in previous section rather than publishing audio-onlystreams.
The format for HDS request URLs haschanged in Adobe Media Server 5. The Apache httpd.conf file redirectsrequests in the 4.0 format to the 4.5 format. The path /live/events/livepkgr/eventsredirects to the path /hds-live/livepkgr.
Use the following URL to publish a single live stream to AdobeMedia Server for streaming over HTTP:
Use the following URL to publish multiple live streams to AdobeMedia Server for adaptive bitrate streaming:
Publish the stream over RTMP. Clients play the stream overHTTP.
Use the following URLs to play live streams over HTTP:
Client | Single stream or Adaptive Bitrate | Request URL |
Adobe HDS | Single stream | http://<ams-dns-or-ip>/hds-live/livepkgr/<instname>/<eventname>/<streamname>.f4m |
Apple HLS | Single stream | http://<ams-dns-or-ip>/hls-live/livepkgr/<instname>/<eventname>/<streamname>.m3u8 |
Adobe HDS | Adaptive bitrate | The media player requests a set-level manifestfile: http://<webserver-dns-or-ip>/<set-level-manifest>.f4m Theset-level manifest file contains URLs for each live stream in thefollowing format: http://<ams-dns-or-ip>/hds-live/livepkgr/<instname>/<eventname>/<streamname>.f4m |
Apple HLS | Adaptive bitrate | The media player requests a set-level variantplaylist file: http://<webserver-dns-or-ip>/<set-level-variant-playlist>.m3u8 Theset-level variant playlist contains URLs for each live stream inthe following format: http://<ams-dns-or-ip>/hls-live/livepkgr/<instname>/<eventname>/<streamname>.m3u8 |
To play streaming media over HTTP,a media player requests a manifest file (F4M or M3U8). The servergenerates manifest files in real-time. The files are not writtento disk; you cannot see them on the server.
The path /hds-live is a <Location> directivein the Apache httpd.conf file that tells the server to package thecontent for Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS).
The path /hls-live is a <Location> directivein the Apache httpd.conf file that tells the server to package thecontent for Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).
For adaptive streaming, the client requests a set-level manifest.For HDS, this file is a .f4m file. For HLS, this file is a .m3u8file. The set-level manifest can live on any web server. You cancreate multiple set-level manifest files for a single set of live streams.
The set-level manifest contains the paths to the F4M manifestfiles (HDS) and M3U8 variant playlists (HLS) of each live stream.The paths must begin with /hds-live or /hls-live to tell the serverto package the streams for HTTP.
Do not include /hds-live or /hls-live in the URL that requeststhe set-level manifest.
You can configure the <Location> directive settings and the content location in the Apache httpd.conf file. For more information, see Content storage (HDS and HLS).
The default URL to play a live stream over HTTP has changedin Adobe Media Server 5. In Flash Media Server 4.0, the URL to playa live stream was http://<servername>/live/events/livepkgr/events/<eventname>.The Adobe Media Server 5 Apache httpd.conf file uses a 301 redirectto redirect requests that use a 4.0 URL to the 4.5 URL.
For more differences, see Differencesin HTTP Dynamic Streaming between Flash Media Server 4.0 and 4.5.
Open the Set-level F4M/M3U8 File Generator in a browser: rootinstall/tools/f4mconfig/configurator/f4mconfig.html.
In addition to entering values for Stream URI and Bitrate,enter a value for DVR Window Duration. This value sets the amountof viewable content, in minutes, before the live point.
Usethe following guidelines to set a Window Duration:
Set Window Duration to a value greater than 0.
Settingthe Window Duration to 0 can cause a bad user experience.
A value of -1 indicates that the available recorded contentbehind the live point is unlimited.
In the Event.xml file, configure the DiskManagementDuration elementto specify the amount of content the server caches. By default,the server caches 3 hours of content. Use the following formulato determine the value of the Window Duration in relation to thevalue of DiskManagementDuration:
Formore information about disk managment, see Limitthe duration of content on the server.
Publish a DVR stream
To publish a DVR stream from Flash Media Live Encoder, do notclick Record or check DVR Auto Record. Publish the stream just asyou publish any live stream.
Play DVR streams
Strobe Media Playback supports DVR streams by default.
Flash Media Playback does not support set-level manifest files.To use Flash Media Playback, configure a Manifest.xml file. See Manifest.xml.
Configure a sliding window on the server
A sliding window is the seekable portion of the streamfor Apple HTTP Live Streaming. Clients cannot seek beyond the slidingwindow length. HTTP Live Streaming clients use the sliding windowto configure the seek bar.
Configure a sliding window at the following levels:
Level | Configuration file |
Server | rootinstall/Apache2.4/conf/httpd.conf |
Application | rootinstall/applications/livepkgr/Application.xml The livepkgr application is the default application for HTTP streaming. You can duplicate and rename this application. |
Event | rootinstall/applications/livepkgr/events/_definst_/liveevent/Event.xml The liveevent folder is the default live event. You can create multiple live events within an application. |
Parameter | Configuration file | Description |
HLSSlidingWindowLength | httpd.conf | The number of TS files available for seeking ina sliding window. |
SlidingWindowLength | Application.xml and Event.xml | The number of TS files available for seeking ina sliding window. |
HLSMediaFileDuration | httpd.conf | The length of a TS file, in milliseconds. |
MediaFileDuration | Application.xml and Event.xml | The length of a TS file, in milliseconds. |
By default, HLSSlidingWindowLength is set to6 and HLSMediaFileDuration is set to 8000 milliseconds.Therefore, by default, all HLS live events are seekable within awindow that is 48 seconds wide.
The sliding window is relative to the current position of thelive stream. For example, if sliding window is configured to have15 minutes of data and the event starts at time 0, when the livestream is at 30, the last seek position possible is 15.
To make an entire live event seekable, set SlidingWindowLength or HLSSlidingWindowLength to0. However, doing so may impact performance.
Configure the sliding window to be smaller than the durationof content cached on disk. In the Event.xml file, the DiskManagementDuration element specifiesthe amount of content the server caches. By default, the servercaches 3 hours of content. The size of the HLS sliding window mustbe as follows:
For more information about disk managment, see Limitthe duration of content on the server.
Configure a sliding window at the event level
The following Event.xml file creates a 1 hour sliding windowfor a single HLS live event:
Configure a sliding window at the application level
The following Application.xml file creates a 1 hour sliding windowfor all HLS live events within the livepkgr application:
Reload the livepkgr application.
Configure a sliding window at the server level
The following Apache configuration sets HLSSlidingWindowLength to 450. Thisconfiguraiton creates a 1 hour sliding window for all HLS live eventson the server:
Restart Apache HTTP Server.
Publish streams with a sliding window
You don’t need to configure any encoder settings to publish astream with a sliding window.
Play streams with a sliding window
Devices that support HTTP Live Streaming support the slidingwindow feature by default.
The server supports an unlimited number of instances ofthe livepkgr service.
Duplicate the rootinstall/applications/livepkgrfolder in the applications folder and give it a new name, for example,livepkgr2. In this case, the new livepkgr service is located at rootinstall/applications/livepkgr2.
Youcan create as many instances of the livepkgr service as you need.
You cannot modify server-side code on Adobe Media ServerStandard.
Remove the rootinstall/applications/livepkgr/main.farfile and replace it with the rootinstall/samples/applications/livepkgr/main.ascfile.
To remove all the existing HDS segments when the applicationunloads, you can use the clearOnAppStop tag asshown below:<ScriptEngine> <ApplicationObject> <config> <clearOnAppStop>true</clearOnAppStop> </config> </ApplicationObject> </ScriptEngine>
Twitter™ and Facebook posts are not covered under the terms of Creative Commons.
Legal Notices | Online Privacy Policy
Developer(s) | Adobe Systems |
Stable release | 3.2 / January 12, 2009; 10 years ago |
Operating system | Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X |
Type | Encoding Software |
License | Freeware |
Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE) was a free live encoding software product from Adobe Systems. It was available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
Version 1.0 was released on February 23, 2007.
Version 2.0 was released on October 26, 2007, adding the following functionality:
Version 2.5 was released on April 14, 2008 with the following added features:
Version 3.0 was released on January 12, 2009 with the following added features:
Version 3.2 was the last supported release. Adobe ended support in 2016.[1]
FMLE is a desktop application that connects to a Flash Media Server (FMS) or a Flash Video Streaming Service (FVSS) via the Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) to stream live video to connected clients. Clients connect to the FMS or FVSS server and view the stream through a Flash Player SWF.or Nellymoser for audio. Additionally, AAC and HE-AAC for audio is supported with a plug-in available from MainConcept[2]
In addition to encoding live events with finite start and end times, features such as command-line control, auto reconnect, and remote access enable efficient 24/7 encoding.